NTS stands for Nation Testing Service. NTS Test Preparation online mcqs material with practice questions are available here for preparation to get admissions, scholarships and jobs in various government/public and private sector colleges, universities and other departments.
NTS Test Preparation Syllabus
NTS Test Preparation Syllabus consists of NAT Test and GAT General Test.
NTS NAT Test (National Aptitude Test)
NAT Test stands for National Aptitude Test and it is for candidates having 12 years of education. NAT Test has 6 types of paper.
Subjects | No of Questions | Percentages |
English | 10 | 10 |
Analytical | 10 | 10 |
Quantitative | 10 | 10 |
Subject (Pre-Engineering / Pre-Medical / Arts / Computer Science / | 70 | 70 |
Total | 100 | 100 |
NTS GAT General Test (Graduate Assessment Test) Test
GAT General Test which stands for Graduate Assessment Test is for candidates having 16 years of education. Gat General test has 5 types of paper
Category | Test Type | Verbal Reasoning | Quantitative Reasoning | Analytical Reasoning | Total |
GAT™ A | Business and Engineering Students | 35% | 35% | 30% | 100% |
GAT™ B | Art, Humanities and Social Sciences Students | 50% | 30% | 20% | 100% |
GAT™ C | Agricultural, Veterinary, Biological & Related Sciences Students | 45% | 35% | 20% | 100% |
GAT™ D | Religious Studies Students | 50% | 30% | 20% | 100% |